SKP Employees
SK Plasma members embody 'warm professionalism.'

SK members are proud of their jobs and clearly understand the meaning and value of their work as they share the belief in ‘creating a happy life and better world for mankind’
- Dream and goals
- Clear understanding of the company vision
- Meaning of work
- Ownership

To pursue the values of the company with a strong team spirit and with good relationships between members and related organizations prevailing at all times.
- Pursuit of common values
- Emphasis on teamwork
- Positive expression of opinion

Mutual Consideration
To promote mutual development by recognizing and supporting others positively based on thoughtfulness, trust and concern for others.
- Acceptance of diversity
- Active listening and acceptance
- Support one another to promote success
- Compliments

Professional Knowledge
Striving continuously to attain expert knowledge and understanding for the benefit of our customers, to enhance our technological and market standing, to fully understand the performance goal and be fully aware of the methods best suited to achieve this
- Aiming to be globally-best
- Linkage of strategy to work
- Derive methods to achieve performance objectives

Setting SUPEX Goals
Establish challenging objectives to improve performance and make continuous efforts to accomplish the objectives
- Challenging objectives and active countermeasures
- Positive attitude
- Leading the change

Thorough and Enthusiastic Execution
To prepare thoroughly and perform tasks with a sense of responsibility and enthusiasm
- Sense of responsibility
- Competence
- Pursue fun

Knowledge Share
To increase one’s ability and colleagues’ abilities by sharing knowledge and experience
- Systemizing knowledge
- Actively share experiences and knowledge